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Ready for better sleep?

Get one-on-one support to take your sleep

from restless and broken to restful and restorative!

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Danielle Elwell

Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant 

Hey there! I'm Danielle, lover of all things sleep and your personal solution to broken sleep, bedtime battles, nap struggles and everything in between. I take the guesswork out of sleep training. No more 2am Google searches or buying yet another baby sleep book. I give you the tools you need to work your way out of your current sleepy state and back to restful, restorative sleep. I want you to be able to enjoy life. Not behind the foggy lens of a tired parent, but truly enjoy life, well-rested and fully present with your family. This is my goal for you and I know together we can make it happen!


Consultation Plans

One-on-one personalized sleep plans for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Sleep is possible at any age!

Free Downloads

Looking for some quick tips that you can apply tonight? These freebies are just what you need to start building a healthy sleep foundation!


Parents Recommend


"I was exhausted for months because the sleep I was getting was so broken. After working with Danielle, my daughter was sleeping 11-12 hours straight on her own (at 9 months old)."


"Danielle was very supportive every step of the way! Encouraging me day by day. I'm very happy my daughter is able to rest and enjoy the day even more, I feel confident moving forward. Danielle is the best!"


"If you have a child needing help with naps or sleeping through the night you will not be disappointed with Danielle! Now anyone can lay her down and her father is enjoying this quality time with her. It was a big help and relief to get her sleep trained, thank you Danielle!"


Weekly Child Sleep Tips

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